Episode 2

Increase Your Sales Conversions: The Power of Building Trust

In this episode of Connect and Convert, Dave Salter and Dennis Collins, our resident rockstar on sales training, dive deep into the importance of trust in your sales efforts. With almost four decades of experience working with small businesses, Dennis shares his expertise and insider strategies to help you build customer trust.

The episode starts with a relatable story about a contractor who initially gained the host's trust but disappointed them. Dave and Dennis emphasize the impact of trust on business relationships and introduce Michael Maslansky's research on the language of trust. Maslansky says we are now in a post-trust era where traditional marketing techniques no longer work.

But don't worry! Dave and Dennis provide actionable steps to rebuild trust and win over your customers. They discuss the power of clarity, avoiding jargon, and speaking your customers' language. They share examples from renowned companies like Tylenol, Chevron, and Anheuser-Busch, who have built trust by putting the customer's needs first.


​ Dave Salter: Hi, I'm Dave Salter and


where we share insider strategies for small business sales success.


I'm joined by Dennis Collins, our resident rockstar on sales training.


Dennis has been training folks for.


Almost four decades and our specialty is working with small businesses.


Dennis, say Hi.

Dennis Collins:

Good morning, Dave, or good afternoon, depending right,

Dennis Collins:

wherever you may be in this world.

Dennis Collins:

How are you today?

Dave Salter:

I'm doing great.

Dave Salter:

In this episode Dennis, we're gonna talk about trust, why it's important

Dave Salter:

to your sales efforts, how you can gain it, how not to lose it and.

Dave Salter:

We're gonna have some examples from you because you've got hundreds

Dave Salter:

of great stories about this.

Dave Salter:

So that's good.

Dave Salter:

I wanna tell you a story to, to start a little bit.

Dave Salter:

So, a couple years ago, we woke up in the morning to find

Dave Salter:

water in our sunroom, okay?

Dave Salter:

And had no idea what was going on.

Dave Salter:

And I went to work that day and I'm talking to myself as I'm going

Dave Salter:

through my activities and one of my coworkers says, Hey, I know a guy

Dave Salter:

that can solve that problem for you.

Dave Salter:

So right away I have some trust because a person I know

Dave Salter:

told me about this contractor.

Dave Salter:

So I called the contractor, told him about our problem.

Dave Salter:

He comes out the next day.

Dave Salter:

So trust builder, number two, right.

Dave Salter:

Prompt response to my problem.

Dave Salter:

He gives us, tells us what he's gonna do, gives us an estimate, gives

Dave Salter:

us a time for project completion.

Dave Salter:

Uh, they come out and do the job.

Dave Salter:

Next time it rains, we get water in our sunroom again.

Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:

So I call the guy.

Dave Salter:

And I get no response.

Dave Salter:

. No response.

Dave Salter:

No response.

Dave Salter:

I go back and I talk to my colleague at work.

Dave Salter:

I'm like, do you know where this guy lives?

Dave Salter:

And she's like, yeah, I do.

Dave Salter:

I, long story short, he never comes back to fix the problem.

Dave Salter:

Had to hire another contractor to come in and fix what he didn't do.

Dave Salter:

He built my trust up really well in initially, and then

Dave Salter:

there was a huge letdown.

Dave Salter:

So you've done a bunch of research on this and there's a guy named

Dave Salter:

Maslansky, who, who's done a lot of research on the language of trust.

Dave Salter:

So tell us a little bit about that.

Dennis Collins:

I will.

Dennis Collins:

Sorry about your story.

Dennis Collins:

As we'll talk later, one of the measures of trust.

Dennis Collins:

Is capability.

Dennis Collins:

Does this provider, does this person, this business, whoever it is we're

Dennis Collins:

hiring, do they have the capability of delivering what we expect?

Dennis Collins:

And obviously as a customer, you expect it to be done right?

Dennis Collins:

And you expect a response when there is a problem.

Dennis Collins:

So capability is where this gentleman failed.

Dennis Collins:

He did not really have the capability, even though he may have

Dennis Collins:

tried to lead you to believe that.

Dennis Collins:

But let me talk in a broader sense.

Dennis Collins:

You referenced Michael Maslansky.

Dennis Collins:

The Language of Trust, Maslansky is the guy that if you ever seen on TV,

Dennis Collins:

those knobs, you know, during political season, yeah, there's some speech going

Dennis Collins:

on and they measure yellow as Republican or Democrat, blue, green, all that.

Dennis Collins:

He does the knobs.

Dennis Collins:

He wrote a book called The Language of Trust.

Dennis Collins:

He says this, Dave.

Dennis Collins:

We are now in the P-T-E, the post trusts era.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

Trust is dead according to Michael.

Dennis Collins:

Maslansky, that's a pretty big statement.

Dave Salter:

It is.

Dave Salter:

Did he give any reasons for that?

Dennis Collins:

He sure did.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

He goes into great depth in the book about why that is.

Dennis Collins:

He talks about communications between us and our government.

Dennis Collins:

Communication between us and politicians and our leaders, communications

Dennis Collins:

between large companies and the public.

Dennis Collins:

And he even delves into our little world, and that is the communications

Dennis Collins:

between salespeople and customers.

Dennis Collins:

And he says that the old school marketing techniques, the push rather than

Dennis Collins:

question, the product pitch is dead.

Dennis Collins:

It's dead.

Dennis Collins:

It's fallen off the cliff.

Dennis Collins:

It's always assumed in today's world, according to Michael, that there's an

Dennis Collins:

ulterior motive behind everybody's action.

Dennis Collins:

So whatever action you take, there's a motive that generally

Dennis Collins:

serves you and not the customer.

Dennis Collins:

It seems like we're living in that post trust era.

Dave Salter:

So going back to what you had said based on Maslansky, so it

Dave Salter:

sounds like the communications between the bigger enterprises, if you will,

Dave Salter:

and us common folk is a lack of trust.

Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:

A lack.

Dave Salter:

Did he give any reasons why there is that lack of trust now you just

Dave Salter:

mentioned about so ulterior motives.

Dave Salter:

I, is there more to it than that?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

And again I, we probably shouldn't do a whole podcast

Dennis Collins:

on Maslansky cause it's rich.

Dennis Collins:

I will tell you if you're in marketing or sales and you

Dennis Collins:

haven't read this book, get it.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

But he talks about the different spins and narratives that are out there today.

Dennis Collins:

Everybody seems to have their spin or their narrative on

Dennis Collins:

how things are supposed to go.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

And when we do a little digging, Which most people don't do.

Dennis Collins:

We find out that they're self-serving.

Dennis Collins:

The narrative is all about me, right?

Dennis Collins:

It's about my group, about me, and not about you.

Dennis Collins:

The customer or you, the receiver of the message.

Dennis Collins:

Relating this back to sales for a second, since that's what we're talking about.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

Any sales book that you read, anything, any article, any training that you take.

Dennis Collins:

There's one thing.

Dennis Collins:

That is said, all the best sales managers, sales gurus, one thing

Dennis Collins:

they agree on trust is at the core of any successful sales process.

Dave Salter:

So Dennis let's talk a little bit about some of

Dave Salter:

the steps to building trust now.

Dave Salter:

Say for example, you're whatever widget you're selling, you have a

Dave Salter:

customer come into your shop how does that trust building begin and

Dave Salter:

maybe, add a couple layers to that.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

Let me start with a story.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

Around 2004, I believe it was Tylenol, we auto Tylenol.

Dennis Collins:

They did a very interesting TV spot.

Dennis Collins:

They featured Brenda Bass, who is their VP of Communications, I believe, for Tylenol.

Dennis Collins:

Let me quote what she said in the TV spot.

Dennis Collins:

"Some people think if you have a really bad headache, you

Dennis Collins:

should take extra medicine.

Dennis Collins:

The problem is that will not get rid of your headache faster.

Dennis Collins:

Too much of an even safe medicine can cause big problems if you're

Dennis Collins:

not gonna take the recommended dose.

Dennis Collins:

I'd rather you didn't take any at all.

Dennis Collins:

Even if it means selling less Tylenol, that's okay with me."

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

What are they trying to do?

Dennis Collins:

What are they trying to do?

Dennis Collins:

Are they trying to not sell Tylenol?

Dave Salter:

She sounds to me like she's trying to build some trust.

Dennis Collins:

Yeah, she is.

Dennis Collins:

Why does that work?

Dennis Collins:

Because people wanna know you've got their back, Dave.

Dennis Collins:

I got you, man.

Dennis Collins:

We're responsible.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

Those who speak out against their own best interests are trusted.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

How more can you speak out against your, don't take too much Tylenol.

Dennis Collins:

It's a disruptor.

Dennis Collins:

I call it.

Dennis Collins:

It's a, an unexpected response.

Dennis Collins:

Let me share some others.

Dennis Collins:

How about the campaigns?

Dennis Collins:

We're not the right fit for everybody.

Dennis Collins:

Hire us so we can, so you can fire us.

Dennis Collins:

I love that one.

Dennis Collins:

Chevron years ago.

Dennis Collins:

I will unplug things.

Dennis Collins:

I will at least consider a hybrid car.

Dennis Collins:

They did a campaign on that.

Dennis Collins:

Use less energy.

Dennis Collins:

How about Anheuser-Busch?

Dennis Collins:

They're in the news these days.

Dennis Collins:

Yeah, they did A beer responsible, irresponsible.

Dennis Collins:

We don't want anyone consuming our products illegally, ever.

Dennis Collins:

Hey, we're parents too.

Dennis Collins:

Are these companies trying to put themselves out of business?

Dennis Collins:

No, they haven't done that.

Dennis Collins:

Check their sales.

Dennis Collins:

There's a significant underlying issue about drinking too much, taking too

Dennis Collins:

much medicine, using too much oil.

Dennis Collins:

Some people say they're just trying to avoid litigation.

Dennis Collins:

Whatever it is, they are making an effort to do something for

Dennis Collins:

your customers in their language.

Dave Salter:

So Dennis, you've got, quite a list of, , ways in

Dave Salter:

which a salesperson can build trust.

Dave Salter:

Can you share a couple of those with us?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

I sure can.

Dennis Collins:

And let me highlight some.

Dennis Collins:

Say enough, but not too much.

Dennis Collins:

Say enough, but not too much.

Dennis Collins:

What does that mean?

Dennis Collins:

By the way, Harvard neuroscientists, that's about as good as you get, isn't it?

Dennis Collins:

They've done some research.

Dennis Collins:

One of the key things in coaching salespeople that I have to deal with

Dennis Collins:

is salespeople tend to talk too much.

Dennis Collins:

I just reviewed a tape.

Dennis Collins:

Of a 51 minute sales call that one of the clients I'm working with provided

Dennis Collins:

to me, it's all it was in a state where it's legal to tape record this.

Dennis Collins:

I heard the sales call, and guess what?

Dennis Collins:

This guy spoke 41 minutes out of 51 minutes.

Dennis Collins:


Dave Salter:

Did he close?

Dave Salter:

Did he close the sale?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

And he shouldn't have, he didn't earn the sale.

Dennis Collins:

I did some research though.

Dennis Collins:

You know, Dave, we'll do another podcast on this, but

Dennis Collins:

let me just give you a tidbit.

Dennis Collins:

Do you know why salespeople talk too much?

Dennis Collins:

There is a reason.

Dennis Collins:

There are a number of reasons.

Dennis Collins:

You know the primary reason.

Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:

They're trying to,

Dennis Collins:

That's one of them.

Dennis Collins:

Guess what the biggest one is?

Dennis Collins:

Self-disclosure triggers the same pleasurable sensations

Dennis Collins:

as good food and money.

Dennis Collins:

People can't wait to talk about themselves.

Dennis Collins:

Wow, that works for you when you're in sales, but also

Dennis Collins:

against you as a salesperson.

Dennis Collins:

How about this?

Dennis Collins:

Trust requires clarity.

Dennis Collins:

Clarity, okay so many sales.

Dennis Collins:

Scenarios, role plays that I've listened to.

Dennis Collins:

I didn't know what the hell they were talking about.

Dennis Collins:

There was so much jargon.

Dennis Collins:

It was complicated.

Dennis Collins:

So again, the tape that I just listened to you wouldn't believe the amount

Dennis Collins:

of jargon that's in this, recording.

Dennis Collins:

I don't have any idea what this guy's talking about.

Dennis Collins:

We also do one other thing with our clients.

Dennis Collins:

We actually go out to real customers after the sale and interview them.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

You talk about eye-opening, people who bought, people who didn't buy.

Dennis Collins:

The most recent one was somebody who did buy, and when we

Dennis Collins:

asked her what, what was it?

Dennis Collins:

Was there one thing about dealing with this client that got you to say yes?

Dennis Collins:

Is there one thing you could pinpoint?

Dennis Collins:

And she said, yeah, there was no jargon.

Dennis Collins:

I understood everything clearly, right?

Dennis Collins:

They spoke my language.

Dave Salter:

Most folks that are gonna go out and buy a widget or have somebody come

Dave Salter:

into their home and tr and sell them on a widget there is a natural resistance.

Dave Salter:

You, you have this wall built up between you and the person coming in to sell you.

Dave Salter:

Is there a couple of your bullet points that can break

Dave Salter:

down that wall of, reluctance.

Dave Salter:

Like, oh, I gotta listen to this person.

Dave Salter:

Tell me about all this stuff for how, you know, how long's it gonna go on?

Dave Salter:

And am I gonna understand what they're saying, et cetera.

Dennis Collins:

Great question.

Dennis Collins:

I compare it to suiting up with armor, a mental suit of armor.

Dennis Collins:

Most customers, before they encounter a salesperson, they put their mental

Dennis Collins:

suit of armor on why they need protection from the manipulation,

Dennis Collins:

the onslaught of verbiage, what's the common thing that salespeople do?

Dennis Collins:

A customer asks a question, they raise an objection, and that's the cue.

Dennis Collins:

That's the cue the salesperson been waiting for.

Dennis Collins:

To unleash a torrent of features and benefits and facts and figures.

Dennis Collins:

They can't wait.

Dennis Collins:

This is what happened.

Dennis Collins:

By the way, in the call that I was referencing the tape, there was.

Dennis Collins:

Five concepts that were presented without the customer even asking

Dennis Collins:

or needing those five things.

Dennis Collins:

That's called a sales pitch.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

That is not a consultive sell, that's a sales pitch.

Dennis Collins:

Doesn't work anymore.

Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:

That's ex, that's excruciating.

Dennis Collins:

It was excruciating for me to listen to it.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

I, this customer was so polite.

Dennis Collins:

It was a husband and wife.

Dennis Collins:

They were so lovely, but.

Dennis Collins:

That guy would've been out of my house within seconds.

Dennis Collins:

Let me talk about another piece of research again.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

He deals a lot with financial advisors.

Dennis Collins:

You talk about trust.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

You're gonna leave your money with financial advisors.

Dennis Collins:

So he convened a panel of very high net worth investors, and he asked

Dennis Collins:

them a question, how would you describe your financial advisor?

Dennis Collins:

What comments would you make about your financial advisor?

Dennis Collins:

And he took down their verbatims.

Dennis Collins:

He's patient.

Dennis Collins:

He understands my risk.

Dennis Collins:

He understands my situation.

Dennis Collins:

He supports my goals.

Dennis Collins:

He answers all my questions.

Dennis Collins:

He's always there for me.

Dennis Collins:

He's accessible.

Dennis Collins:

He's very attentive.

Dennis Collins:

He, when we decide on a course of action, he moves forwards.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

How well the advisor interacts with them.

Dennis Collins:

What is his product?

Dennis Collins:

His product is financial performance, right?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

You're expecting financial performance from him.

Dennis Collins:

He, they never mentioned financial performance.

Dennis Collins:

They mentioned how well the advisor interacts with them.

Dennis Collins:

So the product pitch is not the important thing.

Dennis Collins:

It's how well you're treated.

Dave Salter:

And I think the other part, is the art of listening.

Dave Salter:

So you're, when you reference that 51 minute call, you listened to, and that

Dave Salter:

person talked for 41 of those minutes, there was no active or intentional

Dave Salter:

listening on the part of that salesperson.

Dave Salter:

And that's something that you talk about a lot and how

Dave Salter:

critical that is in this process.

Dennis Collins:

Asking great questions is only part of the battle.

Dennis Collins:

So yes, we teach salespeople to ask questions.

Dennis Collins:

We have a question for every event, how to open the sale, how to close a sale,

Dennis Collins:

what you do in the middle of the sale.

Dennis Collins:

We have a toolbox full of questions, and you pull out the one you

Dennis Collins:

need at the time and use it.

Dennis Collins:

But guess what?

Dennis Collins:

We are very poor listeners.

Dennis Collins:

Very poor listeners.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

We just don't know how to listen.

Dennis Collins:

Asking great questions and listening is important because it is rare that

Dennis Collins:

anybody cares more about you and has more concern about you than about themselves.

Dennis Collins:

So all of a sudden when somebody starts with questions about you and

Dennis Collins:

actually listens, okay, listens and responds instead of listens and pitches.

Dennis Collins:

You say, wait a minute, this person is different.

Dennis Collins:

And we also have study that I'll, we'll do another podcast on why do salespeople,

Dennis Collins:

why are they afraid to ask questions?

Dennis Collins:

It's been proven that asking questions is the secret to sales success, and yet many

Dennis Collins:

salespeople are afraid to ask questions.

Dennis Collins:

There's some reasons for that are quite interesting.

Dave Salter:

So now you've piqued my curiosity on this.

Dave Salter:

You've got the, you've gained the sales appointment, you've,

Dave Salter:

you're in the customer's home.

Dave Salter:

Are there signs that indicate to you that you've gained their trust?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

All of a sudden?

Dennis Collins:

There, there are body language signs.

Dennis Collins:

Have you ever noticed that, Dave?

Dennis Collins:

When somebody is buying into you and they get you Yeah.

Dennis Collins:

How they act.

Dennis Collins:

Their eyes light up a little bit.

Dennis Collins:

They may lean in a little bit.

Dennis Collins:

They may even crack a bit of a smile all of a sudden.

Dennis Collins:

They're buying, they're nodding their head.

Dennis Collins:

They're, yeah.

Dennis Collins:

You could, you can tell.

Dennis Collins:

You can also tell when you don't have it.

Dennis Collins:

I'll give you another example.

Dennis Collins:

Discussion before engagement.

Dennis Collins:

I'm old fashioned guy.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

When I was a kid, you were supposed to get engaged before you got married.

Dennis Collins:

I don't know if they do that anymore.

Dennis Collins:

I, yeah, some people do.

Dennis Collins:

I guess you get, some people do.

Dennis Collins:

What's the purpose of the engagement?

Dennis Collins:

It's kinda like a trial run, isn't it?

Dennis Collins:

It's try is this gonna, is this have a chance of working?

Dennis Collins:

Any salesperson who tries to get into discussion before

Dennis Collins:

engagement is going to lose.

Dennis Collins:

You have got to get that engagement first.

Dennis Collins:

The other thing that I notice with salespeople is how

Dennis Collins:

they deal with objections.

Dennis Collins:

So when I'm meeting a salesperson for the first time, I might do

Dennis Collins:

a role play with 'em, and I'll throw out a couple objections to

Dennis Collins:

whatever it is they're selling.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

And I wait to see what they do.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

If they try old school, overcome the objection, kill it, they're all kind

Dennis Collins:

of battle terms used for objections or do they validate the objection?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

The way you build trust is you validate it.

Dennis Collins:

Those are polar opposites.

Dennis Collins:

Use the customer's words.

Dennis Collins:

Hey Dave, I got it.

Dennis Collins:

I understand how you could feel that way.

Dennis Collins:

I have other customers who feel that way.

Dennis Collins:

That's, again, a whole nother podcast that we'll get into.

Dennis Collins:


Dave Salter:

Y you've you've gained the trust of your potential customer.

Dave Salter:

You've seen the body language.

Dave Salter:

Maybe some dialogue also has given you that indication.

Dave Salter:

So, two-part question.

Dave Salter:

A, what would be the worst thing you could do after you felt you've gained the trust?

Dave Salter:

And B, what would be the best, positive next step after you've

Dave Salter:

felt like you've gained their trust?

Dennis Collins:

Okay, so good.

Dennis Collins:

Two questions.

Dennis Collins:

What could you do to lose trust?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

There's an old saying in sales.

Dennis Collins:

Stop talking before you talk yourself out of the sale.

Dennis Collins:

Okay, so what I have observed over all these decades I've been doing this is

Dennis Collins:

you've got the deal sold you, you have agreement, and you keep talking as a

Dennis Collins:

salesperson and another thing, and by the way, and blah, blah, and you bring up

Dennis Collins:

something inadvertently that the customer says, oh, I didn't know about that.

Dennis Collins:

That changes things.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

All of a sudden, all that trust you built up, Instantly caves because they see,

Dennis Collins:

they, it appears as if you held something.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

It appears that you aren't totally honest and you're bringing up something

Dennis Collins:

at the end of the process that should have been covered earlier or not at all.

Dennis Collins:

You know what I'm saying?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

Some of this stuff shouldn't have ever been covered in the first

Dennis Collins:

place, so that's how you can lose it.

Dennis Collins:

So what's, after you have established trust, what's the next step?

Dennis Collins:

The next step is to go through what we call a sales process.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

The only people who really succeed in sales are those who have a sales process.

Dennis Collins:

And what is your next step after building trust?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

The next step is to move towards agreeing on how I can help you solve your problem.

Dennis Collins:

Do I understand your problem?

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

You do.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

Can I help you solve the problem?

Dennis Collins:

I have three options.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

I heard you say X, Y, Z, option A covers that.

Dennis Collins:

I also heard you say X, Y, Z, BBC Option two covers that.

Dennis Collins:

And furthermore, I heard A, B, C, X, Y, Z, Q R, S.

Dennis Collins:


Dennis Collins:

And option three covers that.

Dennis Collins:

Which of those three options would be best for you?

Dennis Collins:


Dave Salter:

Dennis, I'm gonna I wanna summarize some of the things

Dave Salter:

I've heard you say this morning.

Dave Salter:

We are in a period of distrust for a variety of societal reasons.

Dave Salter:

None of none of which may be our fault.

Dave Salter:

But it also has an impact on sales and salespeople.

Dave Salter:

And perhaps the greatest shortcoming for a salesperson is to through their

Dave Salter:

language and their actions, is to display self-serving motivations.

Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:

And w we've talked about relationship building validating objections

Dave Salter:

and being a great listener.

Dave Salter:

As a way as some of the ways to build trust with your potential client.

Dave Salter:

I love your, one of your last points about stop talking because

Dave Salter:

I'm guilty of that myself.

Dave Salter:

You feel like you're, you.

Dave Salter:

I think what happens is you feel like, oh man, I got a

Dave Salter:

great relationship going here.

Dave Salter:

And then you start talking about more stuff instead of just

Dave Salter:

shutting the heck up and closing.

Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:

I could say anything now.

Dave Salter:


Dave Salter:

Right, right, right.

Dave Salter:

And finally, I think the most important part of all of this is

Dave Salter:

that you need to have a process.

Dave Salter:

You can't go into things willy-nilly.

Dave Salter:

You need to practice, you need to listen and you have to follow that process so

Dave Salter:

that you don't do some a bunch of these things that can hamper your efforts.

Dennis Collins:

Wow, Dave, you're a great listener.

Dennis Collins:

You understand my situation, and you just delivered three proofs of listening.

Dennis Collins:

You paraphrased, you summarized, and you asked fabulous follow up questions.

Dennis Collins:

You my friend, are a great listener.

Dave Salter:

Dennis, thanks so much for your wisdom and insight today, folks.

Dave Salter:

That's a wrap on this episode of Connect and Convert, the podcast

Dave Salter:

that lets you behind the curtain with some insider strategies for

Dave Salter:

small business sales success.

Dave Salter:

This is Dave Salter with Dennis Collins.

Dave Salter:

Thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time when we discuss,

Dave Salter:

Habits of Ineffective Salespeople.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Connect & Convert: The Sales Accelerator Podcast
Connect & Convert: The Sales Accelerator Podcast
Insider Strategies for Small Business Sales Success

About your hosts

Profile picture for Dennis Collins

Dennis Collins

Profile picture for Craig Floyd

Craig Floyd

I help businesses grow up after they've grown their revenue. Think about that for a moment. You'll understand what I mean.